With Fax.Live, you can send and receive faxes from any smartphone with an internet connection. This guide will show you how you can fax using your smartphone with our web-based fax service. Try it out today — your first fax is free!*

On this page, you’ll learn how to:

  • Fax using a smartphone anywhere with a WiFi connection
  • Send and receive faxes via smartphone
  • Fax via iPhone, Android, and any other smartphone that can browse the web

Quick Hits About Faxing from Smartphones

  • Can I send a fax from my phone? Yes. The next section explains how. 
  • How can I fax from my phone for free? Your first fax is free.* Jump down to the FAQs to learn more about sending free faxes from a phone.
  • Do I need to make an account to Fax? Yes. This is how you see your fax history as well as receive incoming faxes. 
  • Can I fax any document from a phone? No. It must be in a PDF format. Jump down to the FAQs for more details. 
  • Is there a difference between sending a fax with an iPhone or Android? No. Because Fax.Live is web-based, the process is the same, whether you’re using an iPhone or Android device.

How to Fax From Your Cell Phone

Step 1: Using your smartphone’s web browser, navigate to the Fax.Live website. If you don’t have an account yet, select Get Started for Free to create an account. This is necessary for using Fax.Live, as your fax history is stored within your account. 

Step 2: Select your Inbox and tap Send New Fax. You will need to have the document that you wish to fax downloaded on your phone in the PDF format. Fax.Live can only fax PDFs. Upload your PDF to Fax.Live. 

Step 3: Enter the recipient’s fax number. This will be the number of the person you want to fax to in telephone format. You can also add a free cover page to any fax that you send through Fax.Live. 

Step 4: Select Send Fax. Fax.Live’s remote fax service will dial your recipient’s fax number and begin transmitting the fax. When the fax has been successfully sent, you’ll see the green progress bar says Success. You can now close this window. 

Answers to Questions About Topic 

Can I send a fax from my phone for free?

You can fax from your phone for free* with Fax.Live, to try out our faxing services. Fax.Live provides a limited free trial for faxing on your phone. After that, we offer low-cost, affordable payment plans if you need to send multiple faxes through your phone. Learn more about faxing for free over the internet

What document format can I fax from my phone?

Fax.Live only supports PDFs for faxing online. This is for a combination of reasons: PDFs are lightweight and easy to upload; PDFs preserve document formatting settings across any device; and PDFs work with multiple apps. To fax with Fax.Live, you will need to convert your document to a PDF. 

If you need help converting your picture or document to a PDF, PDF.Live offers PDF conversion services, both to and from the PDF format.  

Can you send a fax to a cell phone?

Despite fax machines using telephone numbers to transmit faxes, you can’t actually receive a fax on your phone like you would a phone call or a text message. This is because fax machines transmit information using complex electronic signals that an average phone isn’t set up to understand. Think of it as trying to transmit a message in another language without a translator. 

With a Fax.Live account, however, you can set up a free fax number that’s tied to your Fax.Live account separate from your phone number. If you need someone to send you a Fax, you can give them your unique Fax.Live number. Fax.Live provides an Inbox for your incoming faxes. Here, you can see when the fax was sent to you and who sent it, and you can download the document directly from the website. 

Where do I see other faxes I’ve sent?

Fax.Live logs of all the faxes that you’ve sent in your private Inbox. By selecting the Sent tab at the top heading of Fax.Live’s inbox, you can see a history of all the faxes that you’ve sent with your account. 

Here, you’ll be able to see whether the fax was successfully sent, when it was sent, and who it was sent to. 

*See terms and conditions for details of Fax.Live’s limited free trial, specifically sections 5 and 6.

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