The IRS has a dedicated fax number that you can use to send certain documents, forms, and supporting information for taxes. However, you can’t file your taxes through fax. Fax returns can’t be faxed to the IRS. To file your taxes, you’ll need to file online, using a tax service, or via traditional mail. 

But there are a few forms that can be faxed to the IRS depending on how you need to file your taxes. Faxing is generally more secure than sending documents via email or other electronic methods. Faxing uses phone lines and codes the fax information so it’s difficult to intercept by malicious third parties. 

This guide will walk through some common tax documents that are used and whether or not you can fax them to the IRS. We’ll also provide the IRS fax numbers that you can use to fax your documents. Tax laws and regulations change all the time, so be sure to check the links we’ve included below for the latest rules on faxing tax documents to the Internal Revenue Service. 

Can You Fax Personal Tax Returns?

Form 1040

Form 1040 cannot be faxed to the IRS. It’s one of the most common IRS forms that’s used for U.S. taxpayers to submit individual income tax returns. Form 1040 is what you fill out with the income information on your W-2 form and any credits or exemptions that can be used to calculate your final taxable income and the amount that you owe. 

Form 1040 must be submitted online or through mail. If you mail your tax form rather than submit it electronically, make sure to use a registered mail service. The IRS recommends filing taxes electronically through a free or paid tax service, which may help you find potential deductions or credits that you’re eligible for. 

Can You Fax SS-4 Forms?

Form SS-4 

Form SS-4 can be faxed to the IRS. The SS-4 form is an application for an employer identification number (EIN) that’s assigned to an employer, partnership, or other organization that has employees. 

  • SS-4 fax number for businesses in the 50 states: 855-641-6935*
  • SS-4 fax number for businesses with no legal residence within the US: 855-215-1627
  • SS-4 fax number for businesses outside the US: 304-707-9471

There are a lot of ways to apply for an EIN. You can do it online through, over the phone (if you’re an international applicant), by mail, or by fax. The IRS states that if you fax your SS-4 form, you’ll usually receive an EIN within 4 business days. You’ll need to give them your fax number, as they’ll fax your EIN back to you. 

Can You Fax IRS Form 2553?

Form 2553

Form 2553 can be faxed to the IRS. This form is for businesses eligible to be treated as a corporation to make an election to be treated as an S corporation. 

  • Fax number for Eastern states: 855-887-7734
  • Fax number for Western states: 855-214-7520

Form 2553 must be mailed or faxed to the IRS depending on which state you’re in. You can see which states qualify as eastern or western on the IRS.Gov 2553 instructions site. This form can take a bit to process, around 60 days according to the IRS.

Can You Fax Form 2848 to the IRS?

Form 2848

Form 2848 can be faxed to the IRS. This form is used to authorize an individual to represent you for the IRS. If you pay a tax specialist, are using a taxpayer program, or have an attorney/CPA handle your taxes, you may need this form to allow them to represent you before the IRS. 

  • Fax number for Eastern states: 855-214-7519
  • Fax number for Western states: 855-214-7522
  • APO and others fax: 855-772-3156

As with form 2553, you can find which fax number you need to fax to on the IRS.Gov 2848 instructions site. You can submit the 2848 form online, by fax, or via mail. The reason why this form is popular to fax or mail is because it requires signatures. If you submit a digital form, you’ll need to acquire an electronic signature, which is an image or digitized image of your handwritten signature. 

Can You Fax IRS Form 8821?

Form 8821

The form 8821 authorizes an individual, corporation, firm, organization, or partnership that you want to designate to receive or inspect your confidential tax information. This form can also be used to revoke someone’s access to confidential information. 

  • Fax number for Eastern states: 855-214-7519
  • Fax number for Western states: 855-214-7522
  • APO, FPO and others: 855-772-3156

The instructions for which fax number your specific state or area uses is found on the IRS.Gov 8821 instructions. You can submit a form 8821 online, by fax, or by mail. As with the form 2848, this form requires an electronic signature, which is an image or digitized image of the required signatures. This can be why signing physical versions of the forms is easier. 

What if the IRS Fax Number is Busy?

The IRS number will usually be active during business hours but may get busy during certain times and may not immediately be processed. Electronic fax services like Fax.Live will show the current status of faxes both sent and received in the Inbox and Sent sections. Here, you’ll see whether your fax is still in transit, was successfully sent, or unsuccessful. 

For best results, fax during the IRS’ active business hours and then call them if you’re concerned about whether the fax was received or not. Even if a fax is sent, sometimes there can be issues with receiving a fax

How to Fax the IRS?

  1. Head to and drag & drop or upload your document. 
Click and drag your PDF to Fax.Live's upload interface.
  1. Enter the required IRS fax number
Enter the required fax information. In the send-to box, enter the recipient's fax number. In the optional free cover sheet, enter the recipient's name, your name, your return number and other details.

You can also add a free cover sheet that has your information and return number. If the IRS has to return information to you once the form has been processed, this is where you would provide your fax number. You can set up a fax number to receive faxes through Fax.Live!

  1. Select Send Fax
Fax.Live will start your 7 day free trial. Complete the information, including your credit card number. If you cancel within 7 days, your card will not be charged.

You’ll need to set up a Fax.Live account in order to have your fax tied to a dedicated fax number so the IRS can send you information back. Fax.Live has a free 7-day trial to try out Fax.Live’s services. After that, we offer affordable annual plans for faxing (sending and receiving) as many documents as you want!

While the fax is transmitting, you will see a message saying fax dot live is sending your fax now. You can close the window without interrupting the transmission.

You’ll see a dialog box with the progress of your fax. Once the fax is sent, you’ll see the document appear in your Fax.Live account home page as a Sent fax. If the IRS sends you back a Fax, it will also appear in the Inbox section. You can directly download what they send you as a PDF. 

*The fax phone numbers are as of November 2024 and, as you know, are subject to change. We’ve included links to the pages where we found the fax numbers, so you can visit those pages for the latest tax form filing instructions. 

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